To inquire about our Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy, please contact us through our contact form. 

Terms and Conditions

Last Updated 10th August 2021

These Terms and Conditions are intended to ensure you understand the basis upon which FabeSmith Limited, trading and known as KetoSuite.

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Terms and Conditions
As at 10th August 2021

These Terms and Conditions are intended to ensure you understand the basis upon which
FabeSmith Limited, trading and known as KetoSuite, (“we”, “us” or “KetoSuite”) will act in
the provision of the Services or use of the KetoSuite Website you are accessing when using the
KetoSuite website. Acceptance of delivery, use or receipt of any Services will (notwithstanding
any statement to the contrary by you or your agents) constitute acceptance of these Terms
and Conditions. By using our Services or use of the KetoSuite Website, you declare that you
have read, understood and agree to be bound by this Terms and Conditions.
1. Data and Cookies
1.1. We may collect log files data such as, internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser
type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date and time stamp, referring/exit
pages, and the number of clicks.
1.2. We may collect cookies, which are used to store information including visitors'
preferences, and the pages on the website that the visitor accessed or visited.
The cookies collected may be used by KetoSuite to improve our Service.
2. Meta Information
2.1. We may access and use additional meta information related with your account
and use, including the date, time and location of the access. You agree to
KetoSuite having access to this information.
2.2. The meta data generated from your account may be used by KetoSuite to
improve our Service.
3. Exclusion of Warranties
3.1. If you are acquiring the Services for business purposes, the guarantees under
the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and sections 9, 12A, 13 and 14(1) of the Fair
Trading Act 1986 do not apply.
3.2. Unless you have rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or other
legislation, which cannot be excluded or limited, there are no warranties
express or implied. This disclaimer includes implied warranties as to
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
3.3. We do not warrant that the website will not have down time or be free from
errors, that Services will meet your requirements, that the Services will be
error-free, or that any defects will be remedied.
3.4. You agree that the use of the Services is at your sole discretion and risk.
4. Membership
4.1. Your subscription to our Services will continue until terminated.
5. Billing
5.1. To access our services you will need to provide a valid payment method, from
which we will make the appropriate subscription fee deduction in accordance
with the package you have selected. The relevant subscription fee will be
deducted on your billing day for the coming billing month or billing period of
5.2. All fees are excluding GST, or any other applicable taxes and duties. You agree
to pay these items, as applicable, in addition to the price.
5.3. If we are unable to make the relevant monthly deduction from the payment
method you have provided, we will notify you of this via email and suspend your
subscription. We will attempt to make a deduction again within 10 days and if
we are unable to make a deduction we will terminate your subscription.
6. Limitation of Liability
6.1. Neither party will be liable to the other party for any loss or damage arising
from delay or failure to perform obligations due to any matter beyond either of
our reasonable control.
6.2. Neither party or their employees and agents shall be liable to the other for any
claim for breach of Contract (except as in the next paragraph below) or Statute
or breach of duty in Tort (including negligence) or for any claim in Equity or
otherwise at law.
6.3. Neither party will, in any case, be liable for any losses or damages whether
general, exemplary, punitive, direct, indirect or consequential, including loss of
business profits. Notwithstanding this if we are found to be liable then such
liability will be capped at the fees charged for the services.
7. Alteration of Terms of Conditions
7.1. We reserve the right to alter, amend or change these Terms and Conditions at
any time. Any changes can be made by posting an updated version on our
website. If you continue to use our Services or access our website, you will be
deemed to have accepted these changes.
8. Intellectual Property
8.1. You acknowledge and agree that we own all the rights, title and interest in the
Services and our website.
8.2. In relation to the public recipes, we retain ownership of all intellectual
property rights of all types but grant you a non-exclusive, royalty-free, nontransferable
licence to use, copy and modify the recipes.
8.3. In relation to modified or newly created recipes you produce, you grant us a
non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable license to use, copy and modify your
modified or newly created recipes. When using your modified or newly created
recipes, we will include a credit line acknowledging your name.
8.4. You have no rights under these Terms and Conditions in relation to any other
intellectual property associated with the Services.
9. Privacy
9.1. We have a privacy policy which is accessible on our website. We shall not edit,
or disclose any personal information except as required by law or to comply
with the Services.
9.2. We may pass anonymised data about you and your use of the Service to
advertisers or third parties. This information will not include your personal
10. Term and Termination
10.1. You can cancel your KetoSuite subscription at any time, and you will continue
to have access to your profile through the end of your billing month or billing
period. If you chose to terminate your subscription with KetoSuite, it is your
responsibility to advise us by emailing info(at)
10.2. We may terminate the provision of the Services at any time.
11. Representative
11.1. Our representative is Andrew Smith, info(at)
12. Disputes
12.1. If a dispute arises between us about interpreting or implementing the provisions
of this these Terms and Conditions, then we will use all reasonable endeavours
to resolve the dispute by negotiation in good faith. We will attend at least one
meeting to discuss and attempt to resolve the dispute as a condition precedent
to taking other steps concerning the dispute (including but not limited to
commencing any legal proceedings, other than an application for injunctive
12.2. If the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation within 5 working days after the
dispute arose, the parties will refer the dispute to mediation by a mediator
jointly appointed by them. If the parties cannot agree on a mediator and a
process for mediation within 10 working days of a request by one to the other
to attend mediation, the parties must mediate the dispute in accordance with
the Mediation Protocol of the Arbitrators’ and Mediators’ Institute of NZ Inc. or
its successor, and that organisation will select the mediator and determine the
mediator’s compensation.
12.3. If the dispute is not resolved within 5 working days of its reference to
mediation, then the parties will refer the dispute to arbitration by a single
arbitrator agreed on by all the parties to the dispute or, failing agreement the
appointment of the arbitrator will be made by the President (or equivalent
officer) or his or her nominee for the time being of the New Zealand Institute of
Arbitrators. Arbitration costs will be apportioned between the parties in a
manner determined by the arbitrator.
13. General
13.1. These terms apply to all transactions where we supply Services to you. If there
is any inconsistency between these terms and any other arrangement with us,
these terms prevail unless otherwise agreed by us in writing.
13.2. If any provision of these terms and conditions is held by any court to be illegal,
void or unenforceable, such determination shall not impair the enforceability of
the remaining provisions.
13.3. This contract and its terms are governed by, and shall be construed in
accordance with, the laws of New Zealand. Both parties submit to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the New Zealand Courts.

Privacy Policy

Last Updated 10th August 2021

Privacy is given serious importance at FabeSmith Limited, trading and known as KetoSuite. We maintain to ensure that all relevant privacy and data protection laws are complied with when dealing with personal client information.

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Privacy Statement
As at 10th August 2021

Privacy is given serious importance at FabeSmith Limited, trading and known as KetoSuite.  We 
maintain to ensure that all relevant privacy and data protection laws are complied with when 
dealing with personal client information.

We strongly encourage you to go through this Privacy Policy carefully. A thorough understanding 
will help you make an informed decision when giving personal information to us. Our Terms  and 
Conditions  should be read together with this Privacy Policy as the defined terms all share the 
same meaning. When you access our website, login to your profile on our website and/or engage us  
to  provide  any  service,  including  web  services,  under  the  Terms  and  Conditions  (the 
“Services”),  you automatically consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and agree to be bound 
by it and our Terms and Conditions. If there is any conflict between this Privacy Policy and the 
Terms and Conditions then the Terms and Conditions prevail.

If you are primarily based in the European Union and use our website and/or Services, we have some 
additional terms laid out in the addendum (“GDPR Addendum”) which applies to you.

This Privacy Policy does not limit your existing rights under relevant privacy and data protection 

1.0        Collection of Personal Information

KetoSuite is a provider of Services to its clients who have agreed to the Terms and Conditions. The 
Services  includes  the  collection  and  storage  of  personal  information  of  our  clients  and 
 other visitors to our website and/or office/s. The information collected from an identifiable 
individual may include that individual’s name, date of birth, country of residence, password 
(encrypted), diet choices, menus, user created recipes, bank account information and contact 
details (physical address, email address, and landline and/or mobile number or other contact 
details you provide us) as well as information on companies, trusts or other entities associated 
with the individual. We also collect information about how you use our website (for example, 
traffic volumes, time spent on pages), your IP address and/or other device identifying data, 
information contained in your correspondence with us or survey responses and other information 
required to provide a service or information you have requested from us.

KetoSuite  collects  and  holds  such  personal  information  that  we may  collect  directly  from 
 you when you:
-     sign up to our packages for provision of our Services,
-     become a client and we provide you with the Services,
-     use our website or application, and
-     contact the KetoSuite support team.
You may choose to not disclose this information to us. You should be aware however that it may
mean we are restricted or prevented from providing our services to you.

2.0        KetoSuite  may receive personal information  from you about others

Through your use of the Services, KetoSuite may also collect information from you about someone 
else where you have authorised us to do so (for example, by choosing a feature of the website that 
contemplates the interaction with a third party website or feature or user) or where the 
information is publicly available.   This could include personal information collected when users 
you have invited use our Services or website (“User Data”).  If you provide KetoSuite with personal 
information about someone else, you must ensure that you are authorised to disclose that 
information  to  KetoSuite  and  that,  without  KetoSuite  taking  any  further  steps  required  
by applicable  data  protection  or  privacy  laws,  KetoSuite  may  collect,  use  and  disclose  
such information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

This means that you must take reasonable steps to ensure the individual concerned is aware of 
and/or consents to the various matters detailed in this Privacy Policy, including the fact that 
their personal  information  is  being  collected,  the  purposes  for  which  that  information  
is  being collected, the intended recipients of that information, the individual's right to obtain 
access to that information, KetoSuite’s identity, and how to contact KetoSuite.

3.0        KetoSuite  collects, holds, and uses your personal information  for limited purposes

KetoSuite collects the personal information to assist us in providing you with the Services that 
you have requested. This information may be used for purposes including to:
-     verify your identity and undertake credit checks (if necessary),
-     provide the requested Services to you, and
-     market  our  Services  and  products  relating  to  these  Services.  We  may  also  send  
you newsletters  and  up to date  information  on changes  via text,  email  or other  electronic
means (you can opt out of this by contacting us at any time),
-     carry out training of our personnel in relation to the Services,
-     ensure we comply with laws and regulations in applicable jurisdictions,
-     keep open lines of communication with you, including in response to a complaint, and
-     send you our bills and to collect any money owing to us. This includes authorising us to 
process credit card transactions,
-     ensure that you are adhering to our Terms and Conditions, and
-     any other use that is authorised by you or relevant privacy laws.

In the event of a sale, merger, consolidation, liquidation, reorganisation or acquisition, your 
information may be transferred.

When we collect and process User Data we act as an agent of you for the purposes of the New Zealand 
Privacy Act 2020 and any other relevant privacy laws. If applicable, we also act as the data 
processor for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union 
(“GDPR”). Such User Data will only be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and in 
compliance with all applicable privacy laws.

By using our website, login to your profile on our website or asking us to provide you with the 
Services, you consent to your personal information being collected, held and used in this way and 
for any other use you authorise. KetoSuite will only use your personal information in the ways 
outlined in this Privacy Policy or if we have your express permission. If you have any personal 
information  related  to  your  engagement  with  our  Services  such  as  a  password,  it  is  
your responsibility to keep that safe. If you become aware of any breach of your security, you 
should contact us immediately and change your password.

4.0        KetoSuite  can collect your non-personally identifiable data

When you use our Services, you are agreeing to KetoSuite accessing, aggregating and using non- 
personally identifiable data collected from you. This data does not identify you nor any other 

This data may be used to:
-     help  us  understand  how  our  clients  are  engaging  with  our  Services  and  website,  
for example,  the  busiest  days  of  the  month,  quantity  and  timing  of  payments  and  most 
popular web pages;
-     provide clients with further information regarding the uses and benefits of our Services;
-     increase  business  productivity  as  the  aggregated  data  can  provide  relevant  business 
insights; and
-     otherwise improve our website and Services.

5.0        Transfer  and storage of personal information

All information that you provide to us or is entered into our website or collected from your 
visiting our website is automatically transferred to the KetoSuite servers. When you use our 
Services, you consent to your personal information being held by our servers as outlined in this 
Privacy Policy.

The website and Services may be supported by businesses that are outside of your country. If you 
are situated within the European Economic Area (EEA), please refer to the GDPR Addendum. This will 
outline how personal data is transferred from the EEA.

As at the date of this Privacy Policy, our servers are located in New Zealand, and are hosted by 
Web Hosting Services ( Your personal  
information  will  be  transmitted  through  and  stored  on,  those  servers  as  part  of  the 
Services. If the location of our servers changes in the future, we will update this Privacy Policy. 
We would encourage you to frequently review our Privacy Policy so you are aware of any changes.

KetoSuite is based in New Zealand and may access your personal information from New Zealand. New 
Zealand is recognised by the European Commission as a country that ensures an adequate level of 
data protection. This decision provides our basis for transferring personal information to New 

By providing your personal information to KetoSuite, you consent to us storing your personal 
information on servers hosted by Web Hosting Services and accessing your personal information
from New Zealand. If your personal information is stored or to be stored on servers located in
other countries, it will remain within KetoSuite’s effective control at all times. The server 
host’s role is limited to providing a hosting and storage service to KetoSuite, and we’ve taken 
steps to ensure that our server hosts do not have access to, and use the necessary level of 
protection for, your personal information.

If you are not comfortable with your personal information being transferred to a server in another 
jurisdiction, you should not provide KetoSuite with your personal information or use our website.

6.0        KetoSuite  is committed to protecting your personal  information

KetoSuite will at all times work to ensure that we are taking all the steps to protect your 
personal information.  The  information  is  stored  on  secure  servers  that  have  SSL  
Certificates  issued  by leading certificate authorities, and all data transferred between you and 
the website for the provision of the Services is encrypted.

Despite our best efforts, the internet itself cannot be trusted as a secure environment. 
Consequently, we are unable to give an absolute promise that your information will always be safe. 
Sharing of personal information over the internet is to be done at your own risk. You should only 
give out your personal information to the website within a secure environment.

If we become aware of any security breach relating to your personal information, we will advise you 
as soon as we can.

7.0        KetoSuite  will only release your Personal Information  in limited circumstances

The  Personal  information  which  you  provide  to  us  will  only  be  disclosed  if  it  is  
necessary, appropriate and achieves the outcome for which you engaged our Services and as outlined 
in our Terms and Conditions.

Unless there is a sale, merger, consolidation, liquidation, reorganisation or acquisition, 
KetoSuite will not disclose your personal information to a third party unless we have your express 
consent. It is important to note however, that we may have to do so without your consent to comply 
with any court  orders,  subpoenas,  or  other  legal  process  or  investigation  including  by  
tax  authorities, required by law. If it is possible and appropriate, we will endeavour to notify 
you to let you know this has occurred.

Your personal information is not controlled, accessed or used by the third parties who host our 
servers, except for the intended use of storing that information.

Our  advertising and analytics partners may receive  information about your  use of  our website 
through cookies, web beacons and similar storage technologies. More information on this can be 
found in the Cookies section of this Privacy Policy.

8.0        KetoSuite  does not store your credit card details
If you need to use your credit card for any of our Services, your credit card details will not be
stored online and cannot be accessed by our staff. However your credit card details may be 
encrypted and securely stored by our chosen payment provider. This will enable KetoSuite to 
automatically bill your credit card on a recurring basis.

9.0        Requesting  access to your personal information

It is up to you to ensure that the personal information you provide is accurate, complete and up- 
to-date. Unless there are certain legal grounds for refusing, you may ask to access the personal 
information we have that is readily available. You may also ask us to update or correct any 
information we have about you. This may be done by requesting in writing and sending it to us at PO 
Box 27-147, Shirley, Christchurch 8640, New Zealand or by email to  info(at)     You 
will need to prove that you are the individual to whom the personal information relates.

We will process your request as soon as reasonably practicable, unless there are legal grounds 
preventing us from doing so. We will explain why if we are unable to do so. One example for refusal 
would be if access would unreasonably impact the privacy of another individual. If you request a 
correction and we have to refuse, reasonable steps will be taken to note down that you requested 
that correction.

If appropriate and reasonable, we may charge you the cost of providing and/or correcting your 
personal information.

Your  personal  information  will  only  be  kept  for  as  long  as  it  is  needed.  There  may  
be circumstances however where we have to keep the information for a specified amount of time to 
meet various legal and reporting requirements.

10.0     KetoSuite  uses cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer for record-keeping purposes. It does 
not identify you personally or contain any other information about you but it does identify your 
computer. KetoSuite’s website uses these cookies.

Along  with  some  of  our  affiliates  and  third-party  service  providers,  KetoSuite  may  use  
a combination  of  “persistent  cookies”  (cookies  that  remain  on  your  hard  drive  for  an  
extended period of time) and “session ID cookies” (cookies that expire when you close your browser) 
on our website. Amongst other purposes, these can be used to track how the website is being used 
and the level of engagement with ads.

You have the ability to get your browser to send you an alert when you receive a cookie. This then 
gives you the chance to accept or reject it. If you refuse a cookie, this can have a negative 
impact on how the website is used or functions. Note, KetoSuite does not respond to or honour “Do 
Not Track” requests at this time.

Performance and targeting cookies may be used when you visit our website.
Performance cookies serve to collect information on how you use the website. This can tell us
about our most popular pages, and if you have received any error messages while on the pages. No 
identifying personal information is gathered via these cookies. Instead, these cookies only work to 
improve  the  usage  of  the  website.  As  a  result  of  the  cookies,  KetoSuite  may  be  sent  
reports showing aggregate numbers and trends from third party analytics partners.

Alternatively, targeting cookies provide you with personalised advertisements that are related to 
you and your interests. They can determine how often you see a particular advertisement and can 
measure whether the advertising campaign has been effective. They will remember that you have 
visited the website and may share this information with other parties such as advertisers. As a 
result, you may see advertisements about our Services in other areas of the internet. When you use 
our website, third party providers may display advertisements relevant to your interests. This 
information will have been generated by your previous use of the website and other browsing 
history. Your browser collects information about your internet use. Third party providers then use 
this information to place ads on websites throughout the internet that may relate to you and your 

It is possible to opt-out of targeted advertising at .   You can 
learn more about interest-based advertising and opt out of interest-based advertising from 
participating online advertising companies at the following links:

Digital Advertising Alliance EU (EDAA) – DAA AppChoices page –
Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) – Digital Advertising 
Alliance (DAA) –

You should be aware that opting out will not stop the advertising all together. You will instead be 
served with generic ads.

11.0     You may opt out of any email communications

KetoSuite  uses  email  to  send  out  various  communications  relating  to  billing,  marketing  
our services and general communication. There are clear instructions on the emails explaining how 
to remove yourself from our mailing list. If you choose to opt out, this will not remove you from 
receiving  emails  about  breaches  (if  relevant)  or  any  changes  to  the  Privacy  or  Terms  
and Conditions policies.

12.0     Your responsibility in transferring  your data to third-party  applications

Our website may have links or ads that get you to follow a link to a third-party application or 
website.  It is your responsibility to be vigilant when giving out personal information on these 
links as KetoSuite has no control, and takes no responsibility for these websites and applications.

13.0     Privacy complaints process
If  you  are  unhappy  with  how  we  have  handled  your  personal  information,  you  may  send  
complaint. Please provide us with the full details of your complaint along with any supporting 

-     Email:  info(at)
-     Post: PO Box 27-147, Shirley, Christchurch 8640, New Zealand

We will:
-     Send you an initial response to your query or complaint within ten (10) business days; and
-     Look into and seek to resolve the issue within twenty (20) business days. If necessary, we 
may need a longer period to do this but will notify you of this delay.

14.0     This Privacy Policy may be updated

KetoSuite reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. The amended Privacy Policy 
will be considered effective as soon as it is posted to this website.  If you continue to access 
and use  our  website  and/or  receive  our  Services,  you  will  be  considered  to  have  
accepted  the amended Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on August 2021.

GDPR Addendum

If you are located in the European Union (“EU”), and wish to use our website and/or Services, the 
GDPR applies to you. These additional terms (“GDPR Addendum”)  apply to this and make up part of 
our Privacy Policy.

The  EU  General  Data  Protection  Regulation  (“GDPR”)  was  set  up  to  control  the  
collection, processing and transfer of EU individuals’ personal data (as defined in the GDPR).  The 
personal information described in the KetoSuite Privacy Policy comes under the personal data in the 
GDPR. It is important to us that we comply with the GDPR when dealing with the personal data of EU- 
based visitors to our website.

This GDPR Addendum was drafted to be concise and easy to understand.  It does not outline in 
exhaustive detail all aspects of our collection and use of personal data.  If you wish to have more 
information or need an explanation, please contact us. Your request should be sent to Andrew Smith 
at  info(at)

For the purposes of the GDPR:
-     KetoSuite  is  the  data  controller  (as  defined  in  the  GDPR)  when  processing  
personal information.
-     Web Hosting Services is the data processor when processing personal information.

1.0 Processing  personal data
The personal information outlined in this Privacy Policy is the personal data that KetoSuite may 
process. Any processing done will be to achieve the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

As permitted under the GDPR we can process your information for the purposes described in the body 
of the Privacy Policy by relying on one or more of the following lawful grounds: (a) you have 
agreed with us explicitly that we may process your information for a specific reason; (b) the 
processing of personal information is necessary to perform the agreement we have with you (or to 
take steps to enter into an agreement with you); (c) the processing is necessary for us to comply 
with our legal obligations; or (d) the processing is actually necessary for our legitimate 
interests, which   include:   (i)   to   protect   our   business   interests;   (ii)   to   ensure 
  that   complaints   are appropriately investigated; (iii) to evaluate, develop or improve 
products and services we offer; or (iv) to keep you informed of relevant products and services, 
unless you indicate that you do not wish  us  to  be  kept  updated.  While we will generally  rely 
 on  your specific  consent  to process special categories of personal data (i.e., ‘sensitive 
information’), in some cases (for example, relating to an alleged offence), we may need to use some 
information to comply with our legal obligations.

It is possible to use access and use our website without providing us with data. However some of 
our services will require you to provide us with your name and email address, for example if you 
sign up to any newsletters. If you choose not to divulge that information, we will be unable to 
provide you with our full services.

2.0 Your rights
The GDPR grants you certain rights in relation to your personal data. These include:
-     right of access - you have the right to ask, and we have the obligation to confirm, if we are 
processing your personal data. We can also provide you with a copy of that data.
-     right to rectification  – if we hold inaccurate or incomplete personal data about you, you 
may ask to have it corrected or completed. Once notified, we will do all that we can to ensure the 
information is made right. We will also endeavour to pass on the correction if possible to any 
third parties with whom we have shared your personal data.
-     right to erasure  – your personal data is deleted once it has fulfilled its intended purpose.
Provided it does not contravene any applicable laws, we will also delete your personal data if you 
send a request. If we have shared your personal data with any third parties, we will take 
reasonable steps to inform them of your request.
-     right  to  withdraw  consent  –  as mentioned  above,  our  legal  basis for  processing your 
personal  data  is  your  consent.  Therefore  if  you  wish  for  us  to  stop  processing  your 
personal data, you may withdraw your consent at any time.
-     right  to  restrict  processing  –  you  have  the  right  to  ask  us  to  restrict  or  
stop  the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. We will pass this request on 
to third parties where possible.
-     right to object to processing – at any point you may also request that we stop processing 
your personal data all together. We will do this to the extent required by the GDPR.
-     rights  related  to automated  decision  making,  including  profiling  – At the time of this
GDPR Addendum, KetoSuite does not make any automated decision making or profiling using  the  
personal  information.  If  this were  to change,  you  have  the  right  to  not  be subject to a 
decision based solely on this automated processing, including profiling which can have a 
significant legal impact. The exceptions to this occur where such automated decision making is 
necessary for entering into, or fulfilling a contract with you, where relevant laws authorise it 
and when you have given explicit consent.
-     right  to data portability  – we will give you any personal data that you have requested
from us in a commonly used, machine readable and interoperable format to ensure you can access it. 
Where possible, and if you have requested, we will send your personal data to another data 
-     the right  to complain  to a supervisory authority  – if you have any concerns about the way 
in which we have dealt with your personal data, you may contact the relevant data protection 
supervisory authority.

If your personal data is used or obtained for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to 

If you wish to exercise any of your rights listed above, please contact Andrew Smith at 
info(at)    If you are dissatisfied with how we deal with your request, you may refer 
your query to your local data protection supervisory authority e.g. in the United Kingdom, this is 
the Information Commissioner’s Office.

3.0 Children
It is not our intention to collect personal data from children under the age of 16. If you believe
that a child under 16 has given us their personal data either through our website and/or by using 
our Services, please contact our Privacy Officer.  If they can access it, then it is your 
responsibility to obtain the consent of any Guardian of any children who can access the website or 
the Services and you agree to do so.

4.0 International  transfer of data
As we are based in New Zealand, the personal information that we collect through our website and 
our Services will be transferred to, and stored in, a country operating outside the European 
Economic Area (EEA). According to the GDPR, this transfer may only take place if the European 
Commission  has  decided  that  the  country  maintains  an  adequate  level  of  protection.  If  
this adequacy status is not granted to us, we may transfer the personal data, so long as there are 
suitable safeguards.

The KetoSuite Privacy Policy states that some of the personal information we collect is processed 
by third party data processors in other countries, including Australia.   We will only transfer 
this data outside the EEA if that country has been given the adequacy status mentioned above, or if 
we have approved transfer instruments set up to protect your personal data. If you wish to know 
more, please contact us using the details in our Privacy Policy.

5.0 Data Retention  Privacy Policy
We will only keep personal information for as long as is needed to achieve its purpose, or to 
comply with relevant law, whichever is longer.
6.0 Contacting us
Please contact us via the details as set out in our Privacy Policy.